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Who are we?

Dufresne started researching this event in 2009 from the Singaporean office. For more than 3 years The Energy Storage World Forum was the first and only 3 day dedicated conference on stationary storage to take place in Europe and in Asia since 2010. Over 2000 delegates (in total) and a total of 340 speakers, including more than 80 different utilities/TSOs/DSOs/DNOs from 28 countries attended our past 9 Energy Storage World Forums. Our events took place in Beijing, Tokyo, Berlin, Paris, Barcelona, Rome (twice) and London, bringing together an international array of speakers combined with local knowledge. We spend a considerable amount of time in first identifying the key issues that the audience wants to examine, then writing a detailed programme. We write the programe before inviting speakers which means that we make sure that only the key issues that the industry wants to know will be addressed.


What’s Different?

Why Dufresne as a name?

We often get asked this question. We admit the company name may not be the easiest to pronounce (doo-frayn), but there is a reason for choosing such name. Dufresne is the surname of the main character in the movie “The Shawshank Redemption” played by Tim Robbins. Andy Dufresne was imprisoned wrongly, but this did not stop him for making the prison a better place. He inspired his inmates with his own values and free spirit. He championed hope and eventually this hope set him free. We would like to think that the world we are in right now will benefit from more hope. Hope in finding a solution to global warming and hope in creating a better world for our future generations.

Red (pictured on the left) to Andy Dufresne (pictured on the right): “Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane” Andy Dufresne reply: “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies”


Al Gore – The Inspiration

After listening to a speech of Mr Al Gore at Leaders in London and having met him in person, we were totally inspired by his genuine effort and call to action. Simply put after that day we couldn’t sit still, so we put our skills to good use. Yes we are a commercial organisation, we are not an NGO, still we would like to think that together with you, we could play a part in helping the industry to find viable technical and economic solutions via our conferences or community groups online. We often give out some of our presentations for free and we also feature some of the speakers speeches on video for free up on this website. Check our Video menu.


BAP: Building The Action Plan (TM)

All of our events also feature a new learning group format. At the end of the conference after all the power point presentations have been completed, we run a tailored discussion in parallel groups centred on active engagement with the use of boards. Each group discussion will then be followed by a step by step approach on how to implement solutions. In this way we tailor the discussion to the professionals in the room on that day and we make sure we have covered also what was not presented by other speakers. If you are interested in leading one of the BAP groups please contact us.


Tech Soap Box (TM)

We at Dufresne have also devised another unique presentation format called TECH SOAP BOX (TM). This format is designed to put the audience in charge and it has become one of our key Forum features. How does it work? The speakers will address the audience for only 10 minutes each by examining how their new technology is benefitting the community in terms of estimated economic gains and service reliability. Soon after the speeches have been completed the audience will then evaluate each speaker and the winner will benefit from an article on our blog as well as a full speaking slot at the next Forum. This format makes the presentation more dynamic and straight to the point, thus catching more attention from the audience.




Singapore and Europe

Dufresne has a core team of event managers, conference producers and researchers, bringing to the company a combined experience of over 25 years. We are a Singaporean company and  our main office is in sunny Singapore. We have started by creating conferences on the EV Battery field and then moved to stationary storage since 2009. We define conference value as such: practical information and networking exchange that will help the value chain and its community to create solutions. Our company mantra is: learn, community, network. Find out more about our unique interactive sessions called Tech Soap Box and Building The Action Plan.

Davide Bonomi – Content Strategy Director

I moved to London when I was young. I learnt a lot including how to research and produce conferences for professionals. Throughout my business carreer my main interest has always been to create a connection and a learning experience. I specialise in creating platforms for networking and exchanging knowledge on grid integrated energy storage (including the smart grid), Residential Energy Storage and the Microgrid – Distributed Generation value chain. Check out Davide LinkedIN Profile or join our group on Linkedin called “Energy Storage World Forum” with more than 10500 professionals interested in Energy Storage, the most followed group on Energy Storage in the world! Join the group here.

10500+ Group Members

Join the number 1 energy storage group on Linkedin called “Energy Storage World Forum” with more than 10500 selected professionals discussing opportunities or challenges in Energy Storage almost daily. This is the most followed social media group on Energy Storage in the world and it’s growing each day! Join the group now, keep up to date with the latest insights and network online here 




“Conferences Davide has organized have been very stimulating and interactive. Speakers are well selected and the format is a bit different than many other events. Worth attending.” – Troy Hayes, General Manager, Exponent (China) “Davide invited me to the EV Battery Forum to hold a speech. I was really amazed of the quality of both, the congress and the exhibition. The quality of the speakers and attenders was also very high. 

Thank you Davide for the great organization. I’m looking forward to meet you in any other Dufresne Event! 

” – Olmo Tomas Mezger, Director of Strategy and Development, The Green & Energy Consulting Group


“Probably the most interactive and well organized storage event on the calendar.”


Sales Director, S&C

“Great topics, competent speakers, good networking: keep it like that.”



“High scientific content, well targeted, perfect organization.”


Expert Technical & Governance, Elia

Excellent networking event. The sponsorship was well worth it.”


Manager, ATL

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