Hybrid and Energy Storage Could Be ‘Blueprint’ For Emerging Markets
The 40MW Kennedy Energy Park, being built in North Queensland, is combining wind, solar and energy storage to demonstrate a reliable source of electricity using renewable energy sources.
In the project, a 4MWh battery will be used to support the output of each resource.
“It’s a meaningful amount enough of storage capacity to be able to provide sufficient time shifting, even though on a day-to-day basis 100% renewable energy reliance might not be possible,” said Windlab CEO Roger Price.
When operational in 2018 the park will serve as a proof of concept for a much bigger hybrid wind, solar and storage plant.
The Big Kennedy project, which will be in the region of 1GW in size will show very big, reliable renewable energy generation projects are possible.
It will cost about A$1 billion ($740 million) to build, using debt and equity financing.
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