Delay in Hawaii’s Largest Electric Utility’s Energy Storage Systems
Hawaii’s largest electric utility, Hawaii Electric Co. has delayed plans for improvements of major energy storage systems. The company has its goal set back by a year, anticipating the system to be ready by 2018, instead of 2017.
In early 2014, Hawaiian Electric Co. issued a request for proposals of systems that can store 60-200MW of energy for up to 30 minutes. Last September, the company begun negotiating with 3 battery energy storage developers to provide up to 200 MW of renewable energy to the O’ahu grid. The company aims to increase renewable energy sources into the grid and also want the battery to regulate wind and solar loads throughout the day.
The spokesman of Hawaii Electric says that they are still working towards a filing with the Public Utilities Commission of Hawaii, and hopes to have the energy storage in service by 2018.
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