New Project to Develop Batteries Storage

United States Secretary of Energy Steven Chu has announces that a team led by Argonne National Laboratory will receive an award of up to $120 million over five years to establish a new batteries and energy storage hub to be called the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR), which will be located on the Argonne National Laboratory campus in suburban Chicago.

The Hub’s team includes five Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories, five universities, and four private firms committed to advancing next generation battery and energy storage technologies for electric and hybrid cars and the electricity grid.
The DOE explains that the Hub “will integrate efforts at several successful independent research programs into a larger, coordinated effort designed to push the limits on battery advances. Advancements in batteries and energy storage technology are essential for continued efforts to develop a fundamentally new energy economy with decisively reduced dependence on imported oil.”
Senator Durbin observes, “This new Hub brings together, under a single organizational roof, the world’s leading scientists, engineers and manufacturers in energy storage and provides them with the tools, resources and market reach necessary to produce major breakthroughs. The large-scale, innovative research and transformational new battery systems that will result from this venture will mean more effective, lower cost and longer life energy storage technologies with real world applications for anything that can use a rechargeable battery.”


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