Global Smart Grid Activity Heating Up
At the end of Q2 2012, China continued to dominate the worldwide renewable energy market, with Germany and the U.S. nose-to-nose in second place, and India and the U.K. just behind, according to Ernst & Young’s latest quarterly Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices (CAI) report. Activities centered strongly around the smart grid.
Solar turbulence
While the solar market continues to expand rapidly worldwide, including in the developing BRIC nations, there has been turbulence in some of the major markets. A roundup appears below.
- China is battling World Trade Organization disputes on several fronts (including the U.S. and Europe), based on allegations of dumping and subsidizing its solar goods.
- The United States’ solar sector also is currently at the center of a debate about its Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program.
- Germany is finally enjoying some certainty in its solar sector.
- Japan took action on its commitment to renewable energy, in the wake of the tragedy of Fukushima.
- In the United Kingdom, Q2 saw some clarification of support for small-scale solar projects, ending months of confusion.
- Italy confirmed FIT cuts averaging 39 to 43% in its fifth Conto Energia in July, with an effective date at the end of August.
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