Los Alamos Adds Battery Storage to its Electric Grid
The county’s $52 million smart grid project could help improve electric grids in cities and counties throughout the U.S. and elsewhere.
“Smart grids are the way electric grids will be managed in the future, and now we’re a central testing ground for these emerging systems,” said Los Alamos County Economic Development Director Greg Fisher. “This could be a model for many other places.”
Officials plan to inaugurate Los Alamos County’s new smart, green microgrid in a ribbon-cutting ceremony this morning.
The project would provide power from a solar panel system to 2,000 homes in Los Alamos to test how to smoothly integrate renewable energy onto the grid. Such smarts grids are appearing nationwide.
The Los Alamos system includes:
♦ A 2 megawatt solar photovoltaic array
♦ Massive back-up battery storage system
♦ A demonstration “smart house” with intelligent appliances and energy systems that people can tour
♦ New meters on 2,000 homes for real-time monitoring of electric consumption
♦ Central command-and-control center to run the network
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