Summary Of Pre-Forum Workshop
Berlin, Germany—Kicking off the full week ahead were workshop leaders Diego Dal Canto and Raquel Garde Aranguren, who delved specifically into solar energy storage during the Pre-Forum Morning Workshop.
Diego from Italian utility ENEL joined Raquel from Spanish utility CENER, covering subjects evaluating the business case for solar energy storage, establishing microgrids in rural regions like small- to medium-sized islands which attract large tourist crowds, and supporting the economical use of energy storage systems to improve your energy quality and save money.
In the afternoon, Joss Tantram from TERRAFINITI (UK) and Sean Grunnet Cuthbert from GRUNENERGI (Denmark) explored with participants how energy and storage should be priced. They will discuss how conventional Coal, Oil and Natural Gas (CONG) sources affect green storage technologies, as well as other important storage economics issues.
The Pre-Forum Workshops consisted of small in-depth, focused discussions involving both workshop leaders and participants. Particular attention was given to asking critical questions and creating innovative solutions to the problems that the energy storage industry faces.
If you want to know more about this and other topics directly from end users of energy storage technologies join us at one of these annual events: The Energy Storage World Forum (Grid Scale Applications), or The Residential Energy Storage Forum, or one of our Training Courses.