Sunvault Unveils 1000F Graphene Supercapacitor
At a Wall Street Conference last week, CEO Gary Monaghan and Sunvault Director Governor Bill Richardson presented a 1000 farad graphene supercapacitor, which is reported to be the largest supercapacitor developed to date.
This technology represents a fierce competitor to lithium ion batteries and could potentially replace the lithium batteries in the future. Monaghan compared the cost for this type of graphene supercapacitor at $100 per kWh to Tesla’s target price for its batteries that will be produced at its GigaFactory at $150 USD per kWh by 2020.
The 1000 farad graphene supercapacitor was created through one of Sunvault’s Joint Venture Companies’, Supervault Energy, which is a 50/50 joint venture between Sunvault Energy and Nanotech Energy Inc.
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