Why Aren’t Microgrids Here Yet?
In the developed world where day-to-day electricity is taken more or less for granted, we really only feel a loss when our reliable power supply is cut off, for example, during Hurricane Sandy.
It is only when we are jolted back to the reality of life that we figure we must do something about it. And that’s where microgrids have started to attract the limelight.
Although microgrids are still far from being the protagonist of the renewable energy storage film, this is only the buildup to the climax where microgrids can really play a significant role in supplying clean, reliable energy to remote communities.
Because countries in the developing world do not have reliable sources of energy, microgrids have played a larger role in supplying energy to isolated communities. In Africa, S&C is already becoming a big player. In India, utilities are also looking at microgrids. Even in Australia, microgrids are fast becoming the energy source for remote regions.
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