In this webinar key panellists from the COMMISSION DE REGULATION DE L’ENERGIE (France), EDF (France), MACQUARIE CAPITAL PARTNERS (Australia) and IHS MARKIT (UK) discuss:
Who is, and who is not, able to own and operate storage?
What are the key definitions used in different European markets, and how can we decipher these?
Are activities that can be run on top of owning and operating storage just for aggregators, or are others missing an opportunity?
Webinar title: “How can EPCs be unique to their customers with energy storage projects?”
David Snape, Technical Sales Manager Energy Storage, Belectric UK (United Kingdom); Stefan Schauss, Director Business Development EMEA – Energy Storage, Greensmith Energy/Wartsila (Austria) Matteo Rizzi, Director, Global Sales PV and BESS, Nidec (Italy).
Moderator: James Frith, Energy Storage Analyst, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (UK)
Webinar title: “Securing Finance And Ensuring Bankability Of Energy Storage”