Morning refreshments and networking
Morning refreshments and networking
Session Three: The safety issues around batteries and what can be done to mitigate them
- Why are batteries dangerous? Identifying the different safety risks when designing, developing and operating a battery
- What international technical standards must batteries comply with?
- How to minimise the different types of electrical and mechanical risks to the end user and environment
- Understanding which fire suppression systems to deploy
- Group Exercise : outline the key safety measures to put in place to reduce the costs of insurance and risk of litigation
Learning outcome: What battery operators need to know about operating batteries safely
Session Four: The market drivers, opportunities and challenges of implementing microgrids in Asia
- What are the regional drivers behind the adoption of microgrids for remote and island communities in Asia?
- Understanding the regulations concerning microgrids in the different countries
- What are the challenges of constructing microgrids in remote areas?
- How can microgrids steer away from using fossil fuels for remote electrification?
Group Exercise: determine the best energy storage technologies for a microgrid solution
Learning outcome: to understand the drivers and challenges of microgrid solutions in Asia
If you want to know more about this and other topics directly from end users of energy storage technologies join us at one of these annual events: The Energy Storage World Forum (Grid Scale Applications), or The Residential Energy Storage Forum, or one of our Training Courses.