Born in 1954 in Eisenerz / Styria / Austria
Obtained his Diploma in Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Vienna, Austria and his Doctor’s degree ( in 1993 at the same Institute.
Since 1982 employed at Verbundgesellschaft
Substantial professional experience in this period:
Development of mathematical models of hydrological forecast
Head of the competence center for water management
2001 – 2016 Verbund Austrian Hydropower AG – the largest Austrian hydropower company.
Expert on hydrology, hydropower generation and development and renewable energy. Since 2009 Senior Advisor on strategic question on hydropower, water-management and environmental questions on hydropower.
Since 2016 VERBUND AG
Senior Advisor in the public affairs team focusing hydropower topics.
Since 2017 partial retirement.
Since 2003 also Lector at the Institute of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering
Functions in other committed organization
Eurelectric (Brussels) – Chairman of the Working Group Hydro
Austrian Water Association OEWAV – Member of the board
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